A selection of documentary portraits as taken in the course of my work. To see the supporting images to each portrait please follow the links in each description:
1. Iranian hunger striker Kiarash Bahari, 27, his lips sewn up to prevent eating. (For more photos visit ‘Read My Lips‘ in the Stories section). *1, *2.
2. Alison, a royal reveller wrapped in the Union Jack during the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. (For more visit ‘In The Reign‘ in the Work In Progress section). *3
3. An elderly female protester wrapped in bandages at the Westminster ‘Bloc The Bridge’ protest against UK Government health cuts. *4
4. A protester with a placard outside the Jean Charles de Menezes Inquest at the Oval, London.*
5. Campaigner and lecturer Chris Knight dressed a vampire outside The Bank of England. (For more photos visit ‘Occupy London‘ in the Stories section).
6. Portrait of a protester in the face-painting tent of the Occupy Amsterdam camp with a white CND (the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) logo.
All images syndicated through Polaris Images (unless other wise indicated *).
Prints: Selected Prints are available for online purchase.
Awards / Nominations:
*1: Honorarium, 2013 Art of Photography Awards
*2: Nominated for 2014 Renaissance Photography Award
*3: Nominated for 2015 International Colour Award
*4: 2012 Portrait Salon Finalist