This is a small selection of tear sheets of my photographs as used in the following publications:
1. Front cover of The Guardian G2 Magazine with Occupy London protesters on the steps of St. Paul’s Cathedral.
2. Double spread photo inside The Guardian G2 Magazine article ‘Welcome to the Occupation’ (the same photo was also included in The Guardian Magazine’s later ‘2011. The Year in Words and Pictures’ edition).
3. Five page photo feature for National Geographic Traveller Magazine Poland entitled ‘Latawce na sniegu’ (‘Kites in the snow’).*
4. Photograph of An Occupy London campaigner dressed as a zombie clutching a card ‘Feed Me Your Benefits’ for Gazeta Wyborcza.
5. The same Occupy London protester as used in a different shot by Der Spiegel magazine.
6. Photograph of campaigner and lecturer Chris Knight dressed a vampire outside The Bank of England as used by Der Spiegel magazine.
7. Double spread photo inside Financieele Dagblad of an Occupy Amsterdam clown marchng through the streets of Amsterdam, Holland.
8. Photograph of a demonstrator, her head wrapped in newpaper with the words “Fight Racism” visible in the headlines for the Die Welt newspaper.
9. ‘Extradite Me, I’m British’ reads a t-shirt as used in the Economist Magazine.
10. Photograph of a small child holding a banner that reads ‘Strike Together to Win’ used by Chinese news agency Caijing.Com.
11. Photograph of bandaged NHS protester as selected for The Portrait Salon Prize 2012 and printed in the brochure of the same name.*
* Image Licensing: Mark Esper. All Rights Reserved.
All images syndicated through Polaris Images (unless other wise indicated).
Prints: Selected Prints are available for online purchase.