Ziv Koren’s low light workshop

On Friday night I had the pleasure of taking part in a low-light photography workshop with Canon Ambassador and World Press Photo award  winner Ziv Koren. Beforehand there was an initial presentation of Ziv Koren’s work with the Israeli military done in near complete darkness. Many of the techniques discussed and strategies shown were a real revelation to me as to what can be achieved in available light and pushing ISO speeds into previously uncharted territories.

Ziv Koren's Low-Light Photography Workshop at Visa Pour L'ImageAs part of the workshop there would be an overnight assignment to document Perpignan in only 3 images using Canon 1-DX‘s to be filed the next morning at 9:30. Roaming through the streets of Perpignan (a city I’ve already documented) with a Canon 1-DX on overnight loan from Canon CPS turned out to be a real challenge. That said, I have to say it was one of the most rewarding and insightful aspects of this VISA trip – although a little stressful with me finishing shooting at 5am in typical style.

Narrowly making the 9.30 deadline, the review, the subsequent analysis and feed back from both Ziv and Getty Images Creative Director Anthony Holland Parkin was both insightful and revealing.

Here’s my three: a scrawny street dog, a guy summoning up the courage to hit on a large lady in a bar and motorcycle kids racing through the town centre at night. If you would like to see the three as a gallery just click the photo above or here.

Whilst the open nature of the brief and time frame was a bit daunting, it proved to be an invaluable lesson about what could be achieved in low-ight and persistence. If find out that Canon are running another of these events at a festival you’re attending, then do it. The experience and feedback are well worth it.

September 2013

2013 ANI Coup de Coeur Nomination

I’m very pleased to find out that I have been given a Coup de Coeur nomination for the 2013 ANI Pix Palace prize at this year’s VISA Pour L’Image photojournalism Festival for my photo story ‘Repton’s Rules‘.

Repton's Rules, 2013 ANI Coup de Coeur Nomination

ANI (Association Nationale d’Iconographes) do sterling work each year with their open portfolio reviews at VISA and the quality of the feedback makes the trip to Perpignan worthwhile on its own. A lot of the time you find yourself working in isolation in developing stories and it can be hard to find a perspective from which to judge your work. It’s so helpful then to get constructive and professional feedback from portfolio reviews with working photo editors who can inform you on how you are progressing and highlighting any areas that that need tightening up or particular attention.

I’ve been going to VISA Pour L’Image professional week for four years now and each year it just keeps giving back so much more in terms of the friendships you make, the networking possibilities it affords you and the feedback you receive – and this year wasn’t any different. It was so good to see friends like Niklas Meltio (VISA D’Or Daily News Award) and Magda Rakita (Ian Parry Scholarship, Highly Commended) who are now getting the recognition they deserve and taking their careers to the next level.

If you haven’t been to VISA Pour L’Image I would strongly recommend you do, both for the amazing images you will see and experiences you will have.

September 2013