Renaissance Photography Prize 2014 Finalist

I’m delighted to hear that my photo ‘Read My Lips’ has been selected to be an exhibited finalist in the Renaissance Photography Prize 2014.

Renaissance Photography Prize 2014, Read My LipsAccording to the organisers there were almost 7,000 entries this year so it is great to have been selected in such a strong field. To see the judges final selections please go to either 2014 Finalists (Single Images) and 2014 Finalists (Series Competition). The main winner for Best Single Image and the main winner for Best series as well as the three Category Winners (Single Images) and the Runner-Up prize (Series) will be announced at the Renaissance Photography Prize 2014 awards ceremony on Wednesday 10th September.

Prints On Display in Central London

All the photos from the Renaissance Photography Prize 2014 finalists will be exhibited as prints from 8th – 20th September at the  Getty Images Galleryin central London and will be open to the public (free admissions). There will also be a champagne reception and awards ceremony on 10th September where the main winners for Best Single Image, Best Series, as well as the three Category Winners(Single Images) and the Runner-Up Prize (Series) will be announced. Tickets for the awards ceremony cost £55, with all proceeds going to The Lavender Trust at Breast Cancer Care Charity to support younger women with breast cancer. Tickets for the awards are available by contacting

Look forward to seeing you there,

June 2014